
How Long To Defrost A Duck In The Fridge

How to defrost chicken, turkey and duck with defrosting times

defrosting poultry

When you come to defrosting your poultry, it is all-time to plan ahead, leaving enough time before y'all prepare your meal, for the safety defrosting of the meat.

Generally there are three different ways in which you tin can defrost poultry safely: in the fridge, in cold water or in the microwave.

Poultry should never be defrosted on a work surface or counter at room temperature. Smaller cuts of meat, such as craven or turkey breasts, tin can be defrosted overnight in the fridge. However, whole birds, can accept several days to defrost, particularly if you are going to defrost a large turkey for a Christmas dinner, for example.


How to defrost poultry using the fridge method

Probably the well-nigh conventional method is to defrost poultry in the fridge. This is the slowest method but probably the safest way to defrost poultry.

A general rule is to permit five hours per pound of meat (run into table below for defrosting times).

The whole bird can either be left in its packaging, placed on a tray or dish and so left in the fridge to defrost, or the packaging can be removed.

If the packaging is removed, the bird must be covered with cling film and placed in a shallow tin in order to catch the juices that volition leak from the bird as the poultry thaws.

This is extremely important, as if whatsoever h2o or juices drip onto other foods that are underneath the poultry or nearby in the refrigerator, these foods can go contaminated and therefore unfit to eat.

Once the poultry has defrosted, it can be kept in the refrigerator for i - 2 days before apply. Ensure that the meat is properly covered and protected and that it is kept away from other foods.

How to defrost poultry using the Common cold Water method

The cold-water method involves submerging the wrapped poultry in a sink full of common cold h2o for a period of time.

This method is much faster than defrosting the poultry in the fridge, nevertheless careful precautions must be taken.

It is vital that the poultry is very securely wrapped, and then that the water from the sink is not able to leak through the wrapping and onto the meat.

If you decide to get out the poultry in its original packaging, which is probably best, then ensure that the whole bird is also wrapped with several layers of cling film.

The poultry must be submerged in a sink total of cold water, with the poultry completely immersed at all times.

The water should always remain common cold in society to prevent the growth of bacteria, which is why yous should refill the sink every half an hour (30 minutes). Never use warm water, even though the poultry will defrost quicker.

On boilerplate y'all should let 30 minutes per pound of meat (see tabular array below for defrosting times).

In one case the poultry has defrosted, it should exist covered and stored in the fridge until required.

Brand sure that the sink, surrounding surfaces, any utensils used and your easily are thoroughly done and cleaned with hot soapy water after coming into contact with the raw poultry.

Defrosting times

Defrosting times for the Refrigerator Method
weight fourth dimension
three lbs (i.4KG) 15 hours
4 lbs (1.8KG) 20 hours
5 lbs (ii.2KG) 25 hours
six lbs (2.7KG) 30 hours
seven lbs (3.2KG) 35 hours
8 lbs (3.6KG) 40 hours
9 lbs (iv.0KG) 45 hours
ten lbs (4.5KG) 50 hours
eleven lbs (iv.9KG) 55 hours
12 lbs (v.4KG) sixty hours
13 lbs (5.8KG) 65 hours
14 lbs (six.3KG) 70 hours
15 lbs (6.8KG) 75 hours
Defrosting times for the Cold Water Method
weight fourth dimension
three lbs (i.4KG) 1½ hours
4 lbs (1.8KG) 2 hours
5 lbs (2.2KG) 2½ hours
6 lbs (ii.7KG) 3 hours
7 lbs (iii.2KG) 3½ hours
8 lbs (3.6KG) 4 hours
9 lbs (iv.0KG) iv½ hours
x lbs (iv.5KG) 5 hours
11 lbs (4.9KG) five½ hours
12 lbs (five.4KG) half dozen hours
13 lbs (5.8KG) half dozen½ hours
14 lbs (half dozen.3KG) 7 hours
fifteen lbs (half dozen.8KG) vii½ hours


How to defrost poultry using the Microwave method

If you lot determine to defrost your poultry in the microwave, then cheque the manufacturer'southward manual for defrosting times beforehand, equally the times will vary according to different machines.

To thaw a large bird, it is probably better to use a different method, as in some cases large items do not thaw well in the microwave.

Yous must besides take care that the poultry meat does non start to cook.

For smaller pieces of poultry, ensure that all packaging and wrapping is removed before placing the meat in the microwave.

Place the pieces on a microwave-safe dish that volition grab any leaking juices from the meat during defrosting.

If you are unsure of the amount of time needed to defrost the poultry, start off past turning the microwave to the defrosting setting and defrosting the meat for two minutes. Leave the meat to stand for i or two minutes and and then check the progress.

This method tin can be quite tricky and a lot of care should be taken.

Once the poultry has been properly defrosted in the microwave, it should non be stored in the refrigerator but cooked immediately.

All poultry must exist completely defrosted in gild to ensure proper cooking. To test that a whole chicken or turkey has been totally defrosted, place your hand inside the trunk crenel of the bird and check for the presence of water ice crystals. If any ice crystals are even so present, the poultry must be left to defrost for longer.

One time defrosted, the body should be fairly pliable and the legs can be moved about quite easily.

Do non refreeze poultry once it has been defrosted, although it is completely safe to do so after cooking.

After safely defrosting your whole craven or turkey, it is ready to make clean and ready before cooking.

Always recollect to wash your hands, utensils and surfaces earlier and after treatment raw poultry. Information technology is also a good idea to soak in bleach or launder in the washing machine any towels and sponges that take been used to wipe up juices and water from the poultry meat.



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