
How To Take A Video On Tiktok Then Add Pictures

How To Add Pictures To Tiktok Video After Recording

The world is changing constantly and we tin run into the impact on the things around united states of america – from the new technological developments (like cars, planes, and smartphones) to social media (a drove of online platforms).

Over the years, the concept of social media has evolved. There are new social media platforms that let us to practise more just send letters to our friends. TikTok is an example of such a platform. Non only can you post videos, just you can total-on edit them inside the platform.

We'll be looking at a few things about TikTok, including how to add pictures to a TikTok video after recording.

  1. How To Add together Pictures to TikTok Video After Recording
    • Adding Pictures by Uploading
    • Calculation Pictures From Furnishings
    • Adding Photograph Templates
  2. Why Can't You Upload Images?
  3. Wrap Upwardly

How To Add together Pictures to TikTok Video Afterward Recording

Before you lot can practice anything about adding pictures or making edits on your TikTok, information technology is important that you first download the TikTok app and create an account. You lot tin can access your TikTok account from your local browser, but it's more than convenient if you tin use the app on your device.

You can download the TikTok app from your Google Play Store, Apple tree Shop, or Samsung Shop. Once you lot downloaded and successfully installed the app, you tin now offset creating and enjoying the content.

We want to testify you how to add pictures to TikTok videos after recording. The thing well-nigh most online platforms is, at that place is e'er more than than one way to attain a single matter. We'll be showing y'all a few of the different ways you can add images to your recordings.

Adding Pictures by Uploading

To add pictures this manner, you're going to be accessing your photo gallery and you will need to have the pictures you want to employ ready.

  1. The starting time step is opening the TikTok app on your phone.
  2. Y'all'll observe a "+" icon at the bottom of your screen, in between the "discover" icon, and the "inbox" icon. Select the + icon.+ Sign In Tiktok
  3. After you click on the "+" icon, your interface will alter to that of a camera, and y'all'll notice a large red button with an "effects" icon to the left, and an "upload" icon to the right.
  4. Select the Upload icon. When you select the "upload" icon, it will bring you to your gallery, and show you your contempo pictures.Upload Button In Tiktok
  5. At the meridian of the images, you will see an icon that reads All, select this icon if non already selected.All Selection In Tiktok
  6. Selecting "all" will rearrange your images into unlike albums, making it easier for y'all to find whatever pictures you desire to use.
  7. Then select Photos section, yous can choose every bit many pictures equally yous want.Photos Button In TiktokSo click Next.Next Button In Tiktok
  8. You can make all the adjustments and edits you want to the pictures, then select Mail when you lot're washed.Post Button In Tiktok

Adding Pictures From Effects

As well uploading from your gallery, in that location is another fashion you tin become pictures on your videos – furnishings. Effects typically warp the images on your photographic camera like filters, but there are also image options available under the effects.

  1. Open your TikTok and Select the "+" icon.+ Sign In Tiktok
  2. You will see the recording button in the middle, and the "effects" icon to the left. Select the Effects icon.Effects Button In Tiktok
  3. You volition see different effects and pictures, select the Light-green Screen. Green Screen Effect In Tiktok Now from photo selector, click + to see all your photos and choose a photo you like.Image Selector In Tiktok
  4. Afterwards selecting the moving picture you desire, click and hold Record to record it equally a video. That video has to exist longer than i second. Note, that you must get away from front camera, if you lot don't want yourself into that picture.Record Button In Tiktok
  5. Go through edition and click on Postal service to finalize your work and save it.Post Button In Tiktok

Adding Photo Templates

Using photo templates is another way yous tin can add together pictures to your TikTok video. The images here are not from your gallery. Instead, they are predesigned images. Using photo templates is also easy and we'll show you how.

  1. Like nosotros've been doing before, open your TikTok app.
  2. Select the "+" icon in the middle of your screen.+ Sign In Tiktok
  3. A camera view will come upwards, yous'll run across the tape button in the center of the "furnishings" and "upload" icon. At the lower lesser, under the tape push, you'll see "templates." Select the Templates icon.Template Button In Tiktok
  4. Different templates will come up and it is upward to y'all to decide which one you lot want.
  5. Y'all will notice a Select photos icon under the template, click on it. The template will be downloaded.Select Photos In Tiktok
  6. Y'all will be referred to your gallery, and you can select the pictures y'all want to utilize in your template and click OK.Ok Button In Tiktok
  7. You lot tin can go ahead to make other adjustments to your video like effects, stickers, filters, and text.
  8. When you lot're washed with all your editing and ready to publish, click Post.Post Button In Tiktok

Why Can't You Upload Images?

If you've been trying to add pictures to your TikTok video clips and you lot've not been successful, here are some things you lot can look out for.

  • TikTok is an online platform, and you will demand to be on the net to use it. You might be having issues with images and videos if y'all don't have a expert internet connection.
  • Some other factor that can bear upon you is your TikTok app. If your app is not the latest version, yous can experience some issues when trying to use information technology. Check to see if information technology needs to be updated.
  • You tin can also cheque your permission settings and ensure that you have fix your phone to a compatible setting. Sometimes you lot demand to grant TikTok access to particular functions on your phone.

In that location are a lot of things that y'all can attain when using TikTok considering information technology is a artistic app with a ton of features and tools. You can add pictures to your videos, and as well employ your pictures to create innovative content.

Wrap Upward

Social media used to exist just for sending messages and pictures to friends. Nowadays, we can bask a more than interactive and creative experience with some social media platforms – like TikTok.

TikTok is one of the pinnacle trending social media platforms, and this is because of all the creative tools information technology provides its users. TikTok has a lot of features and tools that allow you lot to create, edit, and mail different forms of images and video content.

If you're looking to make your videos more interesting with images, we have gone over how to add together images to TikTok videos after recording. Have fun creating!

How To Take A Video On Tiktok Then Add Pictures,


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